Monday, August 29, 2011

Recently I started drinking a cup of Yogi Green Tea Kombucha shortly after I arise in the morning. I'm addicted! It's so good and makes me feel so good. A habit I don't think I'll break.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I recently did one of my favorite things - canning tomatoes! It's hard to believe and I'm sure you think I'm crazy because of that statement. It IS one of my favorite summertime jobs. I canned 33 quarts total and that should do Mark and I for the winter when we make soup, chili and spaghetti. I didn't have enough last year and we both could definitely tell the difference when I used store-bought canned tomatoes. I had a slight accident this year though when I dumped scalding water on my tummy. It's healing nicely with the help of aloe vera gel several times a day. Hopefully, there won't be any scars.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Blessing

If you have never visited Tara Gentile's website, Scoutie Girl, then you need to. Her tag line is "where passionate creatives connect, converse, and commune" which is exactly what happens and so much more. She shares such a wealth of information for anyone wanting to live a creative life. Her post on mindful spending alone is worth the trip over there. Tara has done her homework and she lives this life, so she knows what she's talking about. Check it out and sign up for her emails. I promise, you won't be disappointed.

I was recently blessed by Tara with the gift of being able to participate in her Art of Action ecourse. In the two weeks since the course started, I have made some big changes in my life. My entire body feels different, my mind is where it should be and I know that my life will never be the same. I don't want to go back to what was, I like where I'm going now. So much is happening in my life right now that I'm having a hard time putting it into words. I will post more on my changes and progress later but for now I want you to know how life changing this course can be. Keep checking out Scoutie Girl and if Tara offers this ecourse again, I strongly recommend that you take it.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tailgate Market Gearing Up

2011's Transylvania Tailgate Market is gearing up to start on April 16. Unfortunately, I won't be there for the 1st and maybe 2nd week. My husband, Mark the musician, is playing at a blues festival in Georgia the weekend of April 16. I'll post more about that when it happens. Should be fun. It depends on how much sewing I can get done between now and the 2nd week of the tailgate as to whether I'll be there then or not. I'm working on a big order right now for a fresh market that will be carrying my market totes and aprons and need to complete that first.

This year I was given the responsibility of being in charge of marketing for the tailgate market. At first, I was a little panicky. I even woke up two mornings in a row almost in a panic attack thinking about that responsibility and all the folks who were depending on me to get the word out this year. I've worked on this every day for the last month and the majority of my job is almost at an end. All advertising material has been printed and given to my committee for distribution. We have a plan and a schedule this year. We all think it's going to go great and are looking forward to a good year.

Speaking of the committee, they are all volunteers. I didn't have to recruit a single person to help. I'm very proud of that. This group of 6 ladies stepped up and asked to help. How awesome is that! They are all great people to be working with. They are committed to the market and making it the best it can be. And, they are so excited about helping. We met for dinner the other night so I could give them the printed material to distribute and we had a blast! There was so much talking, laughing and kidding around. This is the way all meetings should be held.

Well, back to sewing!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tailgate Market

I sell at the Transylvania County Tailgate Market in Brevard, NC every Saturday, April thru December. If you've never sold at a tailgate or farmer's market, I encourage you to do so. It's so much fun and the family atmosphere is great. You will never meet a more friendly group of people whether it be other vendors or the people who come to shop. After a hard week of work it's so refreshing to be able to have the time to talk to others and have them be glad to talk to you. And you will know that those who come to shop have an appreciation for handmade, naturally raised and locally grown. Here are a few pictures I took yesterday at the market. It was a little slow yesterday. We didn't have full vendor attendance and our customer attendance was a down some but still a good time was had by all.

We are behind the Masonic Lodge and Comporium buildings on East Jordan St. in Brevard.  You can see them in the background here.

 This is Bettye who usually sells beside me every week. She's a wealth of info about crafts and makes the best pecan brittle you've ever eaten.
This is Gail who sells directly across from me. She is a baker extraordinaire. Her little french breakfast rolls are to die for!

The market is open April thru October on Tuesdays from 3:00pm until 7:00pm; Thursdays from 8:00am until 1:00pm; and Saturdays from 8:00am until 1:00pm. During the months of November and December it's Saturdays only from 10:00am until 1:00pm. If you ever find yourself in Brevard, NC when the market is open, stop by and get a taste of what a small hometown market is. You won't be disappointed!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Cutest Little Cutie Pie!

Have you ever seen such a cutie! I think not. This is Sammy, my Grand Baby Boy. He's such a delight to have around. Always entertaining and a little bit spoiled. Smart and funny. He spent the day with his "Pa" today for Father's Day. A grandfather couldn't have received a better gift. Happy Father's Day, my sweet Mark.

The Paper Mama

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Aw, Sweet Sleep!

Our cat, Cheeto, aka my baby. I'm continually amazed by the positions that he gets himself into while sleeping.

He loves playing and sleeping with this frog. And no, I didn't stage this shot.

They say cats are very comfortable with you and their surroundings when they will expose their bellies. He loves sleeping on his back.

I also have a black cat named Layla, aka my husband's baby. She is so dark that it's hard to capture a photograph of her without it looking like a big black blob. I'll see what I can come up with and get back to you with some photos of her.