Monday, August 29, 2011

Recently I started drinking a cup of Yogi Green Tea Kombucha shortly after I arise in the morning. I'm addicted! It's so good and makes me feel so good. A habit I don't think I'll break.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I recently did one of my favorite things - canning tomatoes! It's hard to believe and I'm sure you think I'm crazy because of that statement. It IS one of my favorite summertime jobs. I canned 33 quarts total and that should do Mark and I for the winter when we make soup, chili and spaghetti. I didn't have enough last year and we both could definitely tell the difference when I used store-bought canned tomatoes. I had a slight accident this year though when I dumped scalding water on my tummy. It's healing nicely with the help of aloe vera gel several times a day. Hopefully, there won't be any scars.